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HHOA Meeting Minutes 10-19-2023

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board Of Governors Meeting

Minutes For October 19, 2023 Meeting


Boards Members Present: Curt Becker, Susan Zwingman, Beau Couillard

Kelly Hammis, Lyle Visser

Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Guest Forum

1.     Glen Vanstee

Suggested raising dues again. This was raised and voted down in July meeting.

2.     Kelly Hammis

Budget question: What do we really need to financially operate the association? 

3.     Curt Becker

Discussed 50% discount if delinquent dues are paid by 12/31/23

4.     Dave Johnson

Suggested a millage increase to fix roads

Contacting Brandy at Cato Township to discuss options.


Reading of Minutes September 21, 2023, minutes were read and approved.


Treasures Report- Susan

Beginning Balance as of 9/21/2023       $11938.92

Deposits Dues $100.00

Debits Total $1768.62

Mercantile Bank-Check order $191.30

Done Right Accounting

Form 1120H for 2022               $150.00

Cato Twp-Summer taxes          $784.04

Parks Storm Cleanup                 $400.00

Reimbursement supplies

To Susie                                          $204.35

ENDING BALANCE                    $10,270.30


Old Business

1.Past due association dues

Susan stated there is no good way to find out who owns property

The list from Stuart is old. Contacting Joyce at Cato Township to get up to-date list.

Motion by Kim Johnson, 2nd by Kelly Hammis.   Suggested letters sent to past due members, offering a one-time 50% discount on dues if paid by 12/31/2023 before they are sent to collection. Motion passed.

2. Shacks on lots 699 and 650:

      Dave Johnson suggested letting it go. Stuart is working on it.

    3. Lot 613: Work in progress for fence around property

    4. Ditch Park C: Nothing new

    5. Docks were removed October 14th.


New Business 

1.     Meeting dates for 2024

A   4-18-2024

B    5-16-202

C    6-29-2024

D   8-15-2024

E    9-19-2024

F    10-17-2024

      Motion to accept meeting dates for 2024

      Susan Zwingman, 2nd Lyle Visser


2.     Dave Johnson quoted fall and spring clean up at $2000 .

Motion to approve by Susan Zwingman; 2nd Kelly Hammis                                                                           

Committee Reports

Parks- Beau:  rotted posts at some parks

Roads- Lyle Visser: will be checking with Cato Township

Lights- Curt Becker: reported on street lights all working

Blight- Kelly Hammis getting addresses to send letters

Motion to Adjourn by Susan Zwingman; 2nd Kim Johnson

Meeting Adjourned


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