Honeymoon Heights Owners Association
Board of Governors Meeting
Agenda for May 16, 2024, 7 pm at Clubhouse
Board Members Present:
Pledge of Allegiance: recited by all present
Installing a new Board Member to fill Lyle Visser’s seat
a. Bonnie Visser
Guest Forum:
Reading of last Meeting Minutes: 4-18-2024
Treasurers Report, Ending April 30, 2024 -Susan
Old Business:
1. Collection Agency, were letters sent, Response?
2. Assoc. Violation, lot 613, 1 trailer, Cato Township
a. Stuart call Dave Kelsey
3. Feral Cats
a. Stuart and Judy talk to resident
4. Spring Clean up
a. Belvidere May 11
b. Montcalm County May 18
5. HHOA Budget 2024- Susan Zwingman
6. Quick Books for Treasurer- Susan Zwingman
Committee Reports:
Parks: Beau Couillard
a. Rotted Posts at some parks
Roads: Lyle Visser
Lights: Curt Becker
Dock Permits: Stuart Hazle
Blight: Kelley Hammis
Website: Stuart Hazle
New business:
1. Clubhouse Use, Debbie Delano, June 21-24
Adjourn Meeting