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HHOA Board Meeting 5-20-2021

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Honeymoon Heights Owners Association

Board of Governors Meeting

Minutes for May 20, 2021

Board Members present: Stuart Hazle, Curt Becker, Eric Galle, Kim Schoenemen, and Nancy Lundwall

Pledge of Allegiance recited by all present

Guest Forum: Rascal Calcutt: need to address blight in the community.

Diana Jachim: what can we do to improve our community?

Perry Martin: extend dock A (discussed during new business)

Ken Lundwall: complete Park C improvements, repair lawn.

Nancy Lundwall: Lake Improvement Board Mtg. June 3, 4pm at Drain Commission office

Minutes of April 15,2021 read and accepted

Treasurer’s report ending 4/30/2021 read and accepted (see attachment)

Old Business:

1. Collection Agency – tabled

2. Lots 549 & 550 – Stuart is pursuing action

3. Dredging of north end of the channel – Lonny Day said the Townline Lake Improvement Board has gotten the permits needed and is pursuing action.

4. Lot 613 is in violation of HHOA zoning regulations. Cato Township is pursing this issue, and issuing citations.

5. DNR released walleye fingerlings into Townline Lake last fall, supposed to do June 2021.

6. Parks M,B,C1, & N – Stone Seawall is being pursued by Stuart, no word from EGLE yet.

7. Computer program for financial records – Eric suggested two possible programs. After discussion Eric will follow up with information about managing access.

8. Sign at tennis courts is posted.

9. Lots to be donated by Mr. K, Carpenter – Motion was made by Kim to not accept the offer, 2nd by Curt, passed.

10. June 5, 2021; Clean-up Day. Lets Talk Trash will provide 3 roll off dumpsters, 1 at the club house 2 to drive through the community. Residence can put their discarded items in The event will by from 8am – noon.

Committee Reports;

Parks – Lonny is planning on repairing and painting steps at Park B

Roads - Kim continuing to work with the township, all pot holes were patched

Lights – all are working

Dock Permits – Stuart 2 available spots left

Blite – Curt contacted Dave Kelsey of Cato Township, zoning inspector, Dave is

contacting those in violation.

Web Site – up and working.

New Business:

1. Well and septic for club house – after discussion of cost and usage of the club house the motion was made to abandon the project by Nancy, 2nd by Kim. Passed

2. Docks after discussion of whether to increase dock space and how to regulate it “day use” or “seasonal” a motion was made by Eric to leave docks as they are for several years. Curt 2nd. Passed

3. Park N was discussed as how to improve it, possible shelter over picnic table, and maybe a plaque to honor first responders. Tabled till June Meeting

4. Port – A – Jon at club house and Park N the decision was made to rent a Port a Jon for the club house as needed and to not place one at any of the parks. Nancy Lundwall to call on porta john

5. Discussion about a lot on Schmeid for signage however the lot is not available at this time.



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